Sunday, November 30, 2008

Thanksgiving week photos

On Saturday, we rushed home to get a tree with Tyler and Elizabeth. We've gone to the same tree farm for at least ten years. Elizabeth was so excited to get a small tree to take home to their little cottage. Luckily for her, she has all her Christmas decorations from childhood as well as some IKEA purple and green Christmas bulbs we bought for the wedding. Our tree is missing her decorations already.
The day after Thanksgiving, we ventured out to one store in the mall and let the kids roam free through the mall. Erik must have taken this picture of Ian with his cousin Marlana.

Ian, Erik and Matt (standing) on Thanksgiving Day.

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Erik has a new camera

Ian before for Sunday dinner

Rooster Rock from our back-through-the-woods view.

After much hard work earning money, Erik finally has a new camera! Here's a few of his photos and as a public disclaimer on Erik's behalf, he's extremely concerned that these aren't good enough photos to show and is especially worried what Jessica will think.

Tyler and Elizabeth came up for the night on Friday since Elizabeth had a ballet performance in Portland and Tyler went scuba diving with guys from our ward for one last time before heading to Virginia. They also watched Twilight the night before, so that's why Tyler's hair is like "Edward Cullen".

This Thanksgiving should be interesting. Jessica will stay in Virginia and have dinner at her coach's house, then she'll head up to Washington D.C. to be with her friend, Ricky and his sister. Tyler and Elizabeth will be here with Tyler's family, while we are driving to Spokane to be with my family. I will definitely miss us all together but will be even more grateful to have everyone here for Christmas.


Monday, November 10, 2008

I was able to get a hold of a few photos of Jessica at the USCAA National soccer tournament in Burlington, Vermont. Southern Virginia University won nationals! Jessica was able to finish off the season with the last goal of the last game. She was so excited. She also received academic-all-american. Amazing effort hanging in there Jess through two tough seasons of dealing with your knee injury.

Friday, November 7, 2008

There's something wrong with the photo uploading for this post, so look down below at the latest photos showing November in Corbett. The rain is back and Ian is growing and his voice is changing with the season!