Thursday, March 25, 2010

Our trip started out in Salt Lake City, staying with my sister and family. We spent a day skiing at ALTA. The snow was decent but we all decided Whistler is still our favorite ski place ever.

Erik at Alta.

Ian says he went off an even steeper cliff than this but this is what Erik captured on the camera.

Looking over Snowbird ski resort. It's right nest to Alta.

We headed down to Moab, Utah in Southern Utah for about four days. Our first full day was spent at Arches National Park. It was a gorgeous mix of snow-capped peaks and desert rock.

Here's Ian on the Double O Arch.

Susan on the Devil's Garden Hike. It finally warmed up near the mid afternoon, but started off cold and windy, thus the hat.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Ian's trumpet solo with Band in Black

Ian performing with "Band in Black" at Reynolds High School's JAZZ NIGHT on March 4th.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Erik's 14!

Not much else to post, so here's Erik's birthday modeling photos.
Erik tends to wear the same shirts over and over and, I found three shirts that may pass the muster and enter into his weekly wardrobe. The first one....A PSYCH SHIRT. (A definite win for me. He loves it)

The next one- I couldn't go wrong with skiing or the Olympics.

He laughed out loud when he opened this one. A indian folklore/mystic Northwest shirt and it's a Vancouver Olympic shirt as well!
Still with the Olympic theme, Tyler and Elizabeth gave him a Team CANADA water bottle. He's a bit of a weirdo here.

Lastly, a camera he better not break. Erik was shocked and beyond happy to get a camcorder. He will definitely use it A LOT.

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Evan Cannon's visit from Australia

We're all doing Evan's "thumbs up" sign. He'd do this for all his snapshots.

The last few weeks, we had the pleasure of hosting an exchange student from Australia. Ian's high school has a program where they host Aussies for a few weeks while they come to America on their summer holiday. Evan was an easy-going and enjoyable guest who was up to try anything. He was able to go skiing twice so now he can get down a mountain without too much falling. When he gets back, he'll go back to 100 degree temperatures in McKay, Australia (pronounced "Mac-Kie) . He's from Northeastern Australia and lives in a more tropical climate, along the beach, so Oregon was a bit of a shock weather-wise.
We took Evan to our favorite Vietnamese restaurant called Pho Van. He liked it but really enjoyed the Calamity Jane's restaurant experience since he's into burgers and fries.
Ian introducing Evan to an avocado smoothie.
Evan Cannon

Thursday, January 14, 2010

The Christmas Holiday

This Christmas season, we had everyone home. We were able to go to Spokane to spend it with my dad and Vonnie, Matt and my brother Scott. Scott also decided to propose to his now fiance (Missa) with us all there on Christmas eve. Jessica and Ricky were with us a little over two weeks and Tyler and Elizabeth were here for three weeks. Hopefully they will all move back to the west coast next year.

As is tradition, we started of our Christmas break with everyone going to downtown Portland. Although, Meier and Frank Department store is no longer, and the boys were disappointed by Macy's Santa land, the boys were able to go in the old Meier and Frank Santa train that is now on display. (photo above.) We all enjoyed Pioneer Square and just walking around downtown.

Tyler and Elizabeth in Portland.

Macy's in Portland
My mom's house- This was the first Christmas without my on Christmas day, we decided to visit her house. Erik took a few cool photos. The one by the gate is when we I was calling my brother, Scott to tell him the gate wasn't working. Erik had already climbed over the gate!

Dad on Christmas day.

Christmas Eve in Spokane. Besides Scotts, there is my brother Scott (in the orange polo) my dad, Vonnie and Matt (next to Erik)

All together at my dad house in Spokane. From the left: Ian, Jon, Me, Erik (on the floor) Tyler, Elizabeth, Rick and Jessica.
New Year's day in Corbett~