Tuesday, April 22, 2008

This weather!

It's April 22nd and it's 40 degrees! I'm near the end of my "can't handle six months without sun and warmth" rope. Erik is completely happy and doesn't want summer to arrive. John claims Erik has the "Bill Scott snow gene". Bill Scott was John's dad and was the most avid skier on the planet. He moved to Tahoe just to ski and be in snow. Erik loves Canada, Greenland, Norway...all the cold places. So, while I am bemoaning the weather, Erik is thrilled and keeps asking when he can go snowboarding again. Snow and cold rain is great November-even early March, but not in late April when I want to be working in my garden, kayaking on the river or just not dealing with mud. I'll see if I can get Erik to post his point of view.

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